remote proximity (Tokyo)
*lu back.jpg
*girl face.jpg
remote proximity (Dalat)
remote proximity (Tokyo)
remote proximity (Tokyo)

"Dislocate ’06"; Koiwa Project Space; Koiwa, Japan. 2006

Everyone in the audience is asked to recall their earliest memory, and to keep their eyes closed for the duration of the performance. I go up to each of them in turn, as quietly as I can, and stand as close to them as it is possible without touching. I remain in this position until I perceive that they become aware of my presence, then move on to the next person. 

photos by: Yago Tomoyuki

*lu back.jpg
*girl face.jpg
remote proximity (Dalat)
remote proximity (Dalat)

"14th International Performance Art Conference"; Dalat, Vietnam. 2006

Several members of the audience are chosen at random, and invited to stand in the center of the room. They are asked to recall their earliest memory, and to keep their eyes closed for the duration of the performance. I go up to each of them in turn, as quietly as I can, and stand as close to them as it is possible without touching. I remain in this position until I perceive that they become aware of my presence, then move on to the next person. 

photos by: Haba Kaori